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BAM overview
How To
Javascript Code
Create BAM! url
BAM! Graphics
Web Directory

Scenarios, possible uses of BAM!
BAM! only says that creating a link to a BAM! site will pay you in ad impressions. It says nothing about what you can do with it. (Analogous to the hyperlink. You use it to link to another site. It said nothing about the industry that was created because of that.)

Some people will give all their banners away. Be it to promote a cause or just for the heck of it. Think about it. How many people would look for sites to link to because they feel like it vs the number of people that are willing to do it for cash? When you come down to it, ad impressions are money. So, if you are promoting your cause online, you are basically creating content and content, as they say, is king!. Especially when I link to you and get paid to do it.

Most will give a portion. For obvious reasons, content is not free. Neither are the overheads (servers, artists, writers). I am advocating an exchange rate of 1/3 banners paid to the referrer. It recognizes the referrer and still pays for the content.

Revenue model for a content-producer. These are the people now that create original content. Writers, journalists, etc. (~72K/year revenue)t
Total PageViews
Articles written per week. 3 3
No of web pages per article 3 9
No of visitors per article 10K 90K
Weeks in a month 4 360K
Months in a year 12 4320K - 1/3 or 1440K for commissions
total ad impressions left = 2880K
at $25/CPM, total revenue 2880 X $25 = $72K/year

Revenue model for an agregator-agent. These are the people that look for content and filters out the mass of information available out there. There can be as many agregators as the combinations of countent-sources as there are so many different interests of people. Users will go to theses content agregators for any topic first coz these are the people that have spent more time than any user will on that topic (or set of topics).
Total ad impression commissions
Suggestions per day. 10 10 assumes each user views 3 pages on the other site and payoff rate is 1/3
No of visitors per suggestion 5,000 50K
Days in a week 7 350K
Weeks in a month 4 1400K
Months in a year 12 16800K - 1/3 or 5600K for commissions
total ad impressions left = 11200K
at $5/CPM, total revenue 11200 X $5 = $56K/year

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